Very eye-opening and has given me a clear direction

The Inner Genius Assessment allowed me to take a step back and realign my priorities to achieve my goals. Going into the assessment I thought I knew what I wanted to work on and had a clear idea of my strengths and weaknesses. After the delivery, it was clear that I had picked things that were affecting me on the surface; however, they were masking the true challenges which I told myself I was strong. Very eye-opening and has given me a clear direction.

There is so much I can get done now!

After taking the assessment and the modules, I've noticed how much has changed and how much I can get done. I've started projects I had put to the side for later that I never knew I would get to so soon, my organisation increased along with my memory itself. This gave me so much hope for what I can and will accomplish.

It all started with the Inner Genius Assessment!

2023 was a great year with lots of success for me and it all started with the Inner Genius Assessment. The clarity I got was a key catalyst which informed my life and career decisions and set me up on a path to becoming a better version of myself. I am so glad I did this and really appreciate the value inGeniusly provide through this service. I highly recommend this to anyone looking to improve themselves.

The metrical data analysis which this report represented was key!

The assessment proved instrumental in identifying areas for development and fostering personal growth. I respond better to there being metrical and statistical data analysis, which this report represented. It underscored the significance of addressing perceived weaknesses and highlighted the value of genuine self-assessment for improvement.

The iGA cut straight through that cloud

What was most valuable to me is what I perceived about myself was not quite right. I thought I lacked focus, but in fact my focus was incredibly high & that there were other matters that clouded my perception. This iGA cut straight through that cloud and gave me a clear insight into what I needed to work on. I immediately began working on things to improve my productivity & time management!

It gave me a clear cut plan customised on me

The mentor gave me a clear cut plan customised on me on how I could use my strengths to my benefit while at the same time work on my weaknesses. I have made huge steps towards a better version of myself. The door opened the day that I discussed my results, and I thank the inGeniusly team for helping me understand the power of my mind…!

I have become better since taking it!

The delivery of the assessment allowed me to have insight into my cognitive strengths and areas needing improvement. This self-awareness was very valuable for my personal growth and enhancing overall effectiveness in various aspects of life. I have become better since taking it!

I've gained a newfound confidence and clarity

The assessment's insightful questions made me delve deeper into my strengths and weaknesses than I ever had before. For example, the results revealed that my critical thinking and memory were strong points, which surprised me because I always thought they were holding me back. This realisation shattered my self-doubt and opened my eyes to the areas I truly needed to focus on. Since taking the assessment, I've gained a newfound confidence and clarity.

It made me want to look deeper

I found more clarity through the delivery, especially on my strengths and weaknesses. Where I thought I was weak I realised I was stronger and viceversa. Overall, the test made me more self aware. After seeing the results I realised that if I did not do something about it I would never change. The test makes you reflect on what you can do with your life and what you can achieve if you want to.

Your Journey to Excellence

There are 12 brain-related skills which are needed to achieve any ambitious goal. Mastering them will help you to unlock your Inner Genius – and your greatest results!

Your journey starts here.

Before starting any journey, we must have clarity on where we currently are and what direction we would like to take. The same applies when we are talking about our brain performance. 

One of the main obstacles to success is chaos, therefore the first step must be to create order. Taking our Inner Genius Assessment will help you discover your personal roadmap which will ensure you reach your destination.

Get started

3 days to increase your overall efficiency and effectiveness by learning how to:

  • Activate your focus on command
  • Handle distractions effectively
  • Organise your thoughts with clarity
  • Tap into your creative potential
  • Deeply analyse situations
  • Use your genius to solve any problem

And so much more!

Drastically enhance your market value and quality of life, starting from what you need the most: 

  • Improve your productivity
  • Memorise information 500% faster
  • Read at least 2x faster
  • Make more accurate decisions 
  • Improve communication skills 

And so much more!

About inGeniusly

inGeniusly was born from a dream: to create a training program tailored to what you, as a unique individual, truly need to thrive. With over 15 years of experience, our mission is to unlock your inner Genius by enhancing cognitive skills that boost productivity and learning, improve decision-making, and optimise brain functions.


Join us and turn this dream into your reality.

Find out more

Who do we work with

We have all been blessed with a powerful brain, but the issue is many of us don’t know how to make the most of it. If you have the drive to improve your cognitive skills, we’ve got you covered. 


Explore our range of programmes designed with you in mind. We cover professional development, as well as support for students, business owners and corporates. 

Learn more

Want to reach your
cognitive potential​?

The only thing you own that is truly unique to you is your brain. You can use this to become an irreplaceable asset in an ever-changing and unstable landscape.


Here at inGeniusly, we think the key to authentic fulfilment and personal success is equipping yourself with the tools to maximise your brain’s performance. Become the main character in your life by unlocking your true cognitive potential today.

Uncover the benefits

The 12 skills

So, what are the 12 skills that you need to optimise your brain’s performance? Transform your professional results and work-life balance in these areas: Efficiency, Acquisition, Evaluation and Impact. 

Explore the skills

Discover your cognitive roadmap to success

Our tailored roadmaps acknowledge your starting point and your desires to define the best route for you to take. With the Inner Genius Assessment, we evaluate your self-perception, your goals and your actual starting point with each skill. Then we build a plan to get you to exactly where you want to be!