inGeniusly London

What would you do if you could In the beating heart of London, we support professionals, entrepreneurs and corporates who desire the ability to enhance their individual  brain’s performance or their team’s cognitive functions.l. 

What makes inGeniusly London different?

Our journey began in the cultural and educational world capital: London. As our headquarters are in this iconic city, we know that in a city that is a hive of activity and ever-evolving, being able to stand out from the crowd makes all the difference in surviving vs. thriving. Your genius is unique to you, and you can use this to become an irreplaceable asset in an ever-changing and unstable landscape.

Professional excellence

According to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs 2023 Report, cognitive thinking is rapidly growing in importance in terms of employability due to increasing complexities in the workplace. Therefore, investing in your brain’s performance capabilities will truly be life-changing. 


Here at inGeniusly, we think the key to authentic fulfilment and personal success is equipping yourself with the tools to maximise your brain’s performance. Become the main character in your life by unlocking your true cognitive potential today.

Your Journey to Exellence

Inner Genius Assessment

Your journey starts here.

We are all unique, not everyone needs to acquire the same set of skills to achieve their goals, let alone in the same order. Through our Inner Genius Assessment, we will be able to create a tailor-made Roadmap for you based on your self-perception, goals and your current skill level. 

What learning skills do you need the most? What order will work best for you? 

Identify your strengths and discover the essential skills that will allow you to reach your potential faster. 

Genius Unlocked Bootcamp

With our  innovative approach, in 3 days you will be able to: 

  • Activate your focus on command 
  • Handle distractions effectively 
  • Organise your thoughts with clarity 
  • Use the 4 principles of efficiency
  • Tap into your creative potential 
  • Deeply analyse situations
  • Systemise your problem solving
  • And so much more!

inGenius Modules

After the Bootcamp, you will tackle the skills you need  to drastically enhance your market value and quality of life.

  • Improve your productivity
  • Memorise information 500% faster
  •  Read at least 2x faster
  • Improve information processing 
  • Make better short long term decisions 
  • Improve communication skills

Your journey starts here.

We are all unique, not everyone needs to acquire the same set of skills to achieve their goals, let alone in the same order. Through our Inner Genius Assessment, we will be able to create a tailor-made Roadmap for you based on your self-perception, goals and your current skill level. 

What learning skills do you need the most? What order will work best for you? 

Identify your strengths and discover the essential skills that will allow you to reach your potential faster. 

With our  innovative approach, in 3 days you will be able to: 

  • Activate your focus on command 
  • Handle distractions effectively 
  • Organise your thoughts with clarity 
  • Use the 4 principles of efficiency
  • Tap into your creative potential 
  • Deeply analyse situations
  • Systemise your problem solving
  • And so much more!

After the Bootcamp, you will tackle the skills you need  to drastically enhance your market value and quality of life.

  • Improve your productivity
  • Memorise information 500% faster
  •  Read at least 2x faster
  • Improve information processing 
  • Make better short long term decisions 
  • Improve communication skills

Get in touch

1 Saint Katharine’s Way

Our Mentors will be very happy to have a chat with you and answer any questions you may have about your specific goals and needs. Contact us today!


It all started with the Inner Genius Assessment!

2023 was a great year with lots of success for me and it all started with the Inner Genius Assessment. The clarity I got was a key catalyst which informed my life and career decisions and set me up on a path to becoming a better version of myself. I am so glad I did this and really appreciate the value inGeniusly provide through this service. I highly recommend this to anyone looking to improve themselves.

Chiraag Swaly, Learning Design Professional

Very eye-opening and has given me a clear direction

The Inner Genius Assessment allowed me to take a step back and realign my priorities to achieve my goals. Going into the assessment I thought I knew what I wanted to work on and had a clear idea of my strengths and weaknesses. After the delivery, it was clear that I had picked things that were affecting me on the surface; however, they were masking the true challenges which I told myself I was strong. Very eye-opening and has given me a clear direction.

Luke Woods, IT Consultant

The iGA cut straight through that cloud

What was most valuable to me is what I perceived about myself was not quite right. I thought I lacked focus, but in fact my focus was incredibly high & that there were other matters that clouded my perception. This iGA cut straight through that cloud and gave me a clear insight into what I needed to work on. I immediately began working on things to improve my productivity & time management!

Nick Hughes, Business Adviser

Get your assessment

Get your tailor-made cognitive roadmap to identify your strengths and discover the essential skills that will allow you to reach your potential faster.

Speak to a mentor

Our Mentors will be very happy to have a chat with you and answer any questions you may have about your specific goals and needs. Contact us today!

Before you go…

Unlock your brain’s full potential

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Did you know we all have an
Inner Genius Superpower?

It is your personal cognitive strength that will give you an edge at work and in life.

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