Testimonials from individuals

It all started with the Inner Genius Assessment!

2023 was a great year with lots of success for me and it all started with the Inner Genius Assessment. The clarity I got was a key catalyst which informed my life and career decisions and set me up on a path to becoming a better version of myself. I am so glad I did this and really appreciate the value inGeniusly provide through this service. I highly recommend this to anyone looking to improve themselves.

Very eye-opening and has given me a clear direction

The Inner Genius Assessment allowed me to take a step back and realign my priorities to achieve my goals. Going into the assessment I thought I knew what I wanted to work on and had a clear idea of my strengths and weaknesses. After the delivery, it was clear that I had picked things that were affecting me on the surface; however, they were masking the true challenges which I told myself I was strong. Very eye-opening and has given me a clear direction.

The iGA cut straight through that cloud

What was most valuable to me is what I perceived about myself was not quite right. I thought I lacked focus, but in fact my focus was incredibly high & that there were other matters that clouded my perception. This iGA cut straight through that cloud and gave me a clear insight into what I needed to work on. I immediately began working on things to improve my productivity & time management!

I've gained a newfound confidence and clarity

The assessment's insightful questions made me delve deeper into my strengths and weaknesses than I ever had before. For example, the results revealed that my critical thinking and memory were strong points, which surprised me because I always thought they were holding me back. This realisation shattered my self-doubt and opened my eyes to the areas I truly needed to focus on. Since taking the assessment, I've gained a newfound confidence and clarity.

There is so much I can get done now!

After taking the assessment and the modules, I've noticed how much has changed and how much I can get done. I've started projects I had put to the side for later that I never knew I would get to so soon, my organisation increased along with my memory itself. This gave me so much hope for what I can and will accomplish.

Testimonials from business owners

It all started with the Inner Genius Assessment!

2023 was a great year with lots of success for me and it all started with the Inner Genius Assessment. The clarity I got was a key catalyst which informed my life and career decisions and set me up on a path to becoming a better version of myself. I am so glad I did this and really appreciate the value inGeniusly provide through this service. I highly recommend this to anyone looking to improve themselves.

Very eye-opening and has given me a clear direction

The Inner Genius Assessment allowed me to take a step back and realign my priorities to achieve my goals. Going into the assessment I thought I knew what I wanted to work on and had a clear idea of my strengths and weaknesses. After the delivery, it was clear that I had picked things that were affecting me on the surface; however, they were masking the true challenges which I told myself I was strong. Very eye-opening and has given me a clear direction.

The iGA cut straight through that cloud

What was most valuable to me is what I perceived about myself was not quite right. I thought I lacked focus, but in fact my focus was incredibly high & that there were other matters that clouded my perception. This iGA cut straight through that cloud and gave me a clear insight into what I needed to work on. I immediately began working on things to improve my productivity & time management!

I've gained a newfound confidence and clarity

The assessment's insightful questions made me delve deeper into my strengths and weaknesses than I ever had before. For example, the results revealed that my critical thinking and memory were strong points, which surprised me because I always thought they were holding me back. This realisation shattered my self-doubt and opened my eyes to the areas I truly needed to focus on. Since taking the assessment, I've gained a newfound confidence and clarity.

There is so much I can get done now!

After taking the assessment and the modules, I've noticed how much has changed and how much I can get done. I've started projects I had put to the side for later that I never knew I would get to so soon, my organisation increased along with my memory itself. This gave me so much hope for what I can and will accomplish.

Testimonials by Module

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I feel more confident and capable than ever

I'm less stressed these days. The anxiety about not being productive enough and not making the most of situations is gone. Now, I set clear goals and prepare myself before the week begins. I can reflect more on my activities and improve each outcome. Now, I'm both organized and productive. I have new tools and know how to approach tasks better than before. The changes I've made are small, but they will have a significant long-term impact. Learning these new methods has transformed my approach to tasks and productivity, making me feel more confident and capable than ever.

It helped me break those old habits and rev up my productivity engine.

During this module, I realized that one open cycle that constantly was buzzing in my head was a book series I've been itching to start writing. Well, thanks to these effortless tips, it's finally happening. I'm already on track to have the first of the 12 book children's series wrapped up by the end of the June.

No more "I'll start in 5 minutes"

I had read about so many productivity strategies that I couldn't even remember most of them, and few of them worked. The module organized all this knowledge into a method I could actually use. My procrastination has decreased, and I am now able to complete, if not all, at least most of the tasks on my to-do list. This is a significant change for me, and I feel my productivity has improved a lot!

Now my days feel like a well-oiled machine

My main challenge was being able to juggle multiple things at once, giving feeling that I was always behind because of my constant internal distractions. I'd hop from one project to another, chasing focus like it was a runaway train. So to add to this is also learning how to quiet down my buzzing thoughts. And boy, did it deliver. Learning about open cycles was a game-changer. It helped me break those old habits and rev up my productivity engine. Now, my days feel like a well-oiled machine, with a smoother routine and perfectly timed breaks. Plus, I've got these nifty timers keeping me in check. Now, I'm on track to complete the first book of a children's series, a goal that seemed distant before.

Saving time and being productive is not a myth

My initial goal was clear: to boost my productivity and elevate my team's efficiency. Plus, the dream of having one extra hour per day. Effective delegation and tackling distractions head-on were my game-changers. I've unearthed that extra hour in my day, allowing me to hit the gym twice a week. No more late-night work marathons; I've transitioned to a regular 9-6 pm schedule. I've mastered the art of strategic planning for meetings and tasks, avoiding unnecessary responsibilities. The real shift is in my perception of ability. I've proven to myself that saving time and being productive is not a myth; I just need to keep doing it.

Time Management

I can find time to do all the things I want to do!

I must admit, my time management wasn't terrible. I was good at scheduling things on my calendar, though not in a systematic way. Now, I understand the difference between managing time just for the sake of it and managing time to achieve life goals. I used to think it was about filling up my week, but now I see it as a stepping stone to my end goals. I've managed to incorporate guitar playing and exercise into my schedule. Before, I didn't value these as elements of me-time and health prioritisation. Now, I have a more positive approach to exercising; I don’t see it as a task anymore.

I now understand what works best for me!

I have always struggled to create plans for myself, and the few times I did, I couldn't stick to them. I would just do things randomly, reacting to the most urgent tasks without any direction. Now, I am more organised. I loved learning how to create and follow my own personal rhythm. I feel I can manage my time in my own way. I now understand what works best for me! Everything is much better. I can create a plan without feeling overwhelmed or constrained by it.

I’ve created some free time in my calendar

I have many tasks throughout the day and receive numerous messages that need prompt responses. People are usually waiting for my reply. To manage my time better, I focused on prioritising tasks and delegating some work. I now delegate tasks and only work on priority items. As a result, I’ve created some free time in my calendar and improved my overall efficien

Anna srii - It transformed my life, enabling me to manage my time effectively despite my ADHD.

Before? Chaos. Diaries scattered, unused, a daily puzzle. But inGeniusly really changed my life. I can now complete tasks and I have completed tasks! I stick to appointments, I can now observe the time fly and see where the time is going. I only one month I managed to do even more things I planned to do during the day, I stuck to 50% of my plan when before I could barely do 20%. The time management module was one of the hardest but I was able to do it with my ADHD. Also, I learnt to observe in other people the mistakes they were making so that I could organise things better in my private life.

It's empowered me to take charge of my time and productivity

knew I needed better time management but wasn't sure how to improve it. I often procrastinated, leaving tasks to the last minute and undervaluing my personal time. This led to stress and constant questioning of my planning methods. Through the module, I discovered the DESIRE technique, which helped me balance work, personal life, and unexpected changes. The results were transformative. I felt more organised and in control, reclaiming time lost to indecision and inefficiency. I could get back on track when needed and maintained a clear calendar to guide my actions. I have clear steps to follow each day, avoid burnout, and execute effective strategies

New insights and resources to enhance my skills

Despite my experience, I often found myself juggling multiple tasks simultaneously and not always keeping a precise schedule. When I didn't have a fixed plan, I struggled to manage my time effectively and maintain a calm mindset. I sought new insights and resources to enhance my skills, and that’s exactly what I discovered. The module provided clarity on why some of my unconscious habits worked, boosting my awareness. By integrating new techniques with my existing practices, I’ve become more organized. Now, I prioritize tasks more effectively and maintain a better schedule, which has made a noticeable difference in my productivity.

Monica - With the support of my mentor, I have gained a newfound sense of confidence.

As a result, I have experienced a significant reduction in stress and overwhelmness, allowing me to quickly strike a healthy balance between my work, personal life, and Personal Development. As for growth, I am excited now to have the willingness to embrace new strategies for success


Those finer details I struggled with have become enjoyable

You see, while I've always had a knack for remembering things, recalling details from new places or committing finer points to memory wasn't exactly my strong suit. Sure, I picked up some great memory techniques during previous boot camps, but integrating them into my daily life? Well, let's just say I had room for improvement. Discovering the Velcro and Memory Palace techniques felt like unlocking hidden treasures. Suddenly, those finer details and nuances I struggled with became more manageable, even enjoyable. The tangible results spoke volumes. Memorising and flawlessly delivering a 10-minute speech word for word in front of all the inGeniusly Mentors wasn't initially on my radar, but as I progressed through the module, it felt like a natural progression.

I feel confident that I can memorise any book or information

Now, I can memorise any type of information. I used the techniques to memorise chapters from a problem-solving book, managing to memorise 47 pages of notes in just 8 minutes. I also use these techniques in daily life to remember statistics, paths, and figures. Everything is clear now, and I feel more relaxed because I know exactly what to do. I feel confident that I can memorise any book or information. The main takeaway is that these techniques are incredibly powerful and make me feel like I can truly learn anything.

Age is just a number when you have the right tools

I wanted to improve all aspects of my memory! Both my short-term and long-term memory were not as sharp as I wanted them to be. I set a goal to memorise a list of 20 words connected to numbers. When I first saw this exercise before taking the programme, I was mind-blown. I'm happy to say that my mentor pushed me even further by having me make the twentieth word a 10-digit number! Using ingenious techniques, memorizing things has become much easier, even for people like me who are 70+. Age is just a number when you have the right tools.

If I pick up a text, I can remember it, whereas before, I struggled to recall anything

During the journey, I created three mind maps of my haematology material and memorised it using the techniques. I've noticed a significant improvement in my memory, and I now feel more confident. If I pick up a text, I can remember it, whereas before, I struggled to recall anything. My brain seems more primed to retain information now. Facts and knowledge stick more easily. Currently, my memory is about 80% excellent. I need to continue practising and master the Velcro technique. I feel more comfortable with exam revision now.

Memorisation can be more enjoyable and lighter than I previously thought

I had already learned some memory techniques in the past but struggled to memorise abstract words, especially when learning new English words, as well as details and abstract concepts related to work. The process felt draining, so I hoped to learn how to associate better emotions with memorising and how to effectively memorise my mind maps for work. While I still need to keep practising to master these techniques, I’ve realised that I am capable of using them and that it can be more enjoyable and lighter than I previously thought. The emotions associated with memorising have improved significantly. Now, memorising abstract words and unfamiliar words is easier.

There was always doubt about my ability to remember things, but now that doubt is gone

I am usually very detailed, but with this new technique, I have a clearer big picture of what was discussed during meetings, and it makes more sense to me. I memorised a series of 20-digit numbers, which always fascinated me since I saw the mentors perform it at the demonstration. I also memorised a mind map of a chapter of my project management course, which now allows me to do the same for the rest of the chapters. I feel more focused; I've learned how to memorise people’s names and apply the technique when meeting new people. When I was asked if I feel my abilities have grown, I smiled and said YES! There was always doubt about my ability to remember things, but now that doubt is gone.

Speed Reading

Surpassing the 500-word-per-minute mark has been a transformative milestone for me

My original goal was to improve my speed and comprehension by 50%. Excitingly, during our final session, I achieved a reading rate of over 600 words per minute, coupled with a remarkable 80% comprehension rate – a feat that far surpassed my initial expectations: I have more than doubled my reading speed in under a month! Now, I approach reading with a renewed sense of confidence and trust in the process. This course has taught me that efficient reading isn't merely about speed; it's equally about the quality and enjoyment of the reading experience. Surpassing the 500-word-per-minute mark has been a transformative milestone for me. With this newfound speed and confidence, I am eagerly looking forward to embarking on more learning ventures.

I now confidently read two books a week

My goal was clear: to master the skills of reading faster and comprehending better, aiming to complete a book of my choice within a week. Since applying these techniques, I've made remarkable progress. I now confidently read two books a week—an achievement I previously thought unimaginable. These tools have been transformative; I feel more efficient and purposeful in how I manage my reading time. It's incredible how much can be accomplished in just 45 minutes of focused reading. I've gained a newfound appreciation for my time and a determination to read through all the books I have at home.

In just one month I more than doubled my speed

My reading skills were quite good, but I was eager to improve. I thought it would be great to double my initial reading speed.In just one month, using the techniques daily, I more than doubled my speed. What really impressed me was that I achieved this while maintaining high comprehension! I read a lot of business reports, books, and magazines. Now, my reading is noticeably better, and I know that with more practice, I can probably increase it even further.

Increasing my reading speed actually enhanced my focus and retention

Initially, my main concern was improving comprehension and retention, not speed. However, with my mentor's guidance, I found that increasing my reading speed actually enhanced my focus and retention. By adopting effective reading strategies, I can now grasp information more rapidly, whether it's emails or reports. My retention has significantly improved, and I make better mental notes for recall. I am confident that my reading skills have advanced considerably.

Now that I have improved, I want to continue

My reading was slow, so I thought a good achievement could be to be able read an entire book in 2 weeks instead of my usual 3 to 4 weeks. Also comprehending took longer as well, which caused me to read over again in order to take in the information. Learning how to scan and skim effectively before reading has been strongly useful. After practising each day and using strategies to read faster, I've achieved my goal: I finished a whole book in 2 weeks and even started a new one! This tangible improvement has boosted my confidence: now that I have improved, I want to continue.

Decision Making

I am now excited about all the decisions I need to make

I have sometimes been guilty of overanalysing personal decisions, using up a lot of emotional and mental energy. At work, I am quick and decisive, but personal decisions have often taken longer and led to decision regret and post-decision analysis. The module has helped me let go of past decision outcomes, positively impacting my well-being, sleep, and outlook on life. It has improved my confidence in approaching future decisions, adding more zest to how I view my life and future. I am now excited about all the decisions I need to make. I feel much better equipped to handle whatever life throws at me.

I feel calmer and more relaxed with a solid plan to follow

The module helped me make three decisions that were important for me. I chose to leave my job, keep my side hustle, and move out. I improved my ability to see information clearly, understand myself, and make the right choices. Now, I feel calmer and more relaxed with a solid plan to follow. I realised the value of adventure is important to me, and I've learned to use it wisely. Now, my decision-making process is much better. It's clear and strong, making me feel more secure. I now have a process. Anything is possible, but I need to work on myself first, starting from biases, values, and principles, to make even better decisions.

It's now easier to make decisions while respecting myself

Before, I feared making wrong decisions and often postponed them, resulting in inaction. I lacked confidence and frequently let others decide for me. This insecurity made it hard to take charge and make my own decisions. By learning tools to make better decisions and, most importantly, to understand myself more, I have really changed. My perception of myself has improved, making it easier to make decisions while respecting myself.

My approach is now more considered

I have to make many decisions quickly and want to ensure they are correct. Understanding all the details before deciding is crucial. By better understanding the factors that affect our decision-making process, my approach is now more considered, positively impacting both myself and my team.

My decision-making now feels lighter and less stressfu

The module helped refine my process, making it less stressful and overthought. I found the decision-making process to be the most useful part. It serves as a quick go-to guide for making any choice. Since completing the module, I have been calmer and less prone to overthinking when making major decisions. My decision-making now feels lighter and less stressful.The module allowed me to understand more about myself and gave me the ability to make major decisions with ease.

Thanks to the module, I've made a big change!

Sometimes, I'd make choices on a whim. Even when I tried to think things through, I'd still often end up choosing impulsively. I just wanted to get it over with, so when decisions became too complicated, I would pick something at random. I hoped the module would help me with this, and I applied what I learned to deciding whether to stay in the UK or take a job abroad. Thanks to the module, I've made a big change – I'm leaving the UK! I passed the interview and accepted a job offer abroad. I've also tackled my procrastination head-on. I committed to studying for four hours a day, and I actually stuck to it. This is great, and it makes me feel confident that I now have a process for both small and big decisions!

Presentation Skills

My presentation skills have elevated to a new level

It opened my eyes to aspects I hadn't noticed about my own communication style. The impact on my goals has been profound. The focus on changes in my tone and body language has been a game-changer. I've not only noticed a significant improvement in my presentation skills, but I've also become more aware of my habits while speaking. Now, my presentation skills have elevated to a new level, learning these new skills and changing my speaking habits has built a comfort that encourages me to move further in this direction.

I feel like I can become a proper educator now

My goal was to be able to present and educate during workshops at work.Before, I felt like I was 16 every time I spoke because I felt uncomfortable and I didn’t know how to improve. Thanks to the module, I was able to present in front of my team during the male-cut day, preparing a presentation using the skills I learned. I had to teach and explain to new employees how the job works. At the beginning, I was calm, implemented the tips I learned, and the team was really happy. I feel more confident; when I talk, I feel aligned with what I say and more solid. At the end of the module, I did a speech to my mentor and was able to talk without stress, even though I spoke about something important to me. It’s much better now! And I know that with practice I know I will improve even more, because I am able to notice my mistakes when I talk and know how to change things.

I feel more confident in using tone and pitch

I really wanted to feel more authentic when presenting and wrap up effectively. With my mentor's help, my nonverbal communication improved significantly. The homework on nonverbal tone content was particularly helpful. Setting primary and secondary objectives helped with authenticity and selecting final key messages. I received positive feedback from the audience and colleagues, and I feel more confident in using tone and pitch.

Information Processing

Confidence is through the roof now!

Before inGeniusly, my art studies were tough, and reading books took ages. The Effective Learning Module was game-changing. I learnt how to convert textinto the language my mind uses and how to organise my subjects and thoughts efficiently. In a week, I nailed 220 pages of a book I had to study, it used to take me a month for that! Confidence is through the roof, and my learning is way faster and more organized now.

I can tackle even the hardest concepts with the right strategy

used to suffer from a lack of concentration and an overload of information, and I would disengage as soon as things got confusing. I really wanted to learn without forgetting, stay focused, and be able to retain information and express it in my own words while feeling confident. I like a challenge, but this time I feel more confident about achieving and completing it. Using the Effective Learning technique gives me the reassurance I need to carry on with any course until the end. I used to think my brain couldn't stretch enough to learn things I didn't understand, finding it difficult to process and retain information. Now, that thought is in the past because I've seen that I can tackle even the hardest concepts with the right strategy.

My approach is not just organised but extremely clear

Now, I can pick up any book, whether it's on physics, economics, data, or general information, and systematically organise and process the information in every chapter. Currently, my approach is not just organised but extremely clear. What makes me happy is that I've unlocked the skill to read any book, extract the information I need, and truly understand it, all by following the steps I've learned. Now, I can confidently read and comprehend any book.

My confidence to work with any topic and any complexity has increased

Over the years, I developed my learning skills organically through reading, e-learning, and videos. However, I struggled with consistency, note-taking, and linking ideas. My approach often lacked flow and organisation, and I found it difficult to stay focused on complex topics for long. The module helped me approach any topic with discipline and curiosity, take great notes, and link ideas together. I can now have deep, focused learning sessions that enhance my impact. For a 5-day Risk Management course, I built curriculum content, learning new concepts and creating materials that were highly praised. I became more focused, specific, and engaged, navigating various sources, including AI, efficiently. Topic areas that I would not be as good at learning (because of a lack of interest) are more accessible now and I feel differently about them.

Genius Unlocked Bootcamp

A 6-star experience

I had an amazing experience with inGeniusly, it was above and beyond expectations, I would definitely recommend it. Out of 5 stars, I would definitely give them a 6 star if I could!

A course for all ages

Great skill to learn, I wish everyone could adopt this method for their skill set. I definitely suggest this course to anyone of any age.

A great experience all round!

Really enjoyable Bootcamp that was interactive and fun! Not only was the content super useful and applicable, but everyone was incredibly friendly. Everything from the initial assessment to the Bootcamp and the individual modules was run very smoothly and professionally.

A refreshing back to fundamentals experience

The inGenius Bootcamp was great to reset and focus on the foundational skills. I learnt so much but most importantly started adopting the right attitude and habits for ultimate success.

Amazing inGeniusly Bootcamp!!!

My experience with the inGeniusly bootcamp was even more positive than I expected. I learned how can I be more efficient at work, and how can I use problem-solving and other skills every day in my private life and at work. Thank you inGeniusly!

An enjoyable, thought-provoking event

An enjoyable, thought-provoking event, I felt energised by this event and connected with amazing people, and the inGeniusly team were amazing. I would recommend attending this event.

An eye-opener and a mind-awakener

The Bootcamp has definitely been an eye-opener and a mind-awakener to how to use your brain more sufficiently and a start to unlocking your inner genius. It stretched my brain because it got me out of my concert zone and made me think in a different way: the exercises like the lateral thinking forced me to think out of the box and this helped me understand that not everything we label is as such because there is more to it. Also, having the 4 principles made me understand about how different aspects of life are linked together and this made me more aware of what I need to improve in my life. This course has given me a starting point to change into becoming a better person and I cannot wait to see myself as free and as able to use my brain in the best way possible as I felt during the Bootcamp.

Highly recommended to anyone who wants to reach their full potential

Great mentors who help on a personal and professional level. A very friendly and calm atmosphere that inspires you to do better. Would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to reach their full potential.

I absolutely loved the Bootcamp!

I absolutely loved the Bootcamp!! I loved it because it was very practical and active, and you could start applying some of the techniques that they teach straight away in your everyday life. The energy and the love that you feel is fascinating and makes you want to spend more time with them. Highly recommended 

I am more efficient and productive than I've ever been

Giulia & her team have put to an amazing and fun programme, broken down into manageable and enjoyable chunks, with so many helpful modifications that I have been able to apply to the way in which I work. I have, within weeks, noticed that I am more efficient and productive than I've ever been and I go home feeling a lot less stressed, which allows me to switch off when I need to. I would highly recommend the inGeniusly programme to any professional who wants to improve their productivity, time management, decision-making, critical thinking etc.

I have gained invaluable insights and practical skills

What truly sets this course apart is the depth of knowledge and expertise demonstrated by the instructors. They not only possess a profound understanding of the subject matter but also have a genuine passion for helping others succeed. Their guidance and support throughout the course were invaluable, providing clarity and encouragement every step of the way. I'm thrilled to say that I have gained invaluable insights and practical skills that have not only improved my cognitive abilities but have also positively impacted various aspects of my life. From enhanced focus and concentration to a greater sense of clarity and emotional resilience, the benefits of this course extend far beyond the realm of academia.

I highly recommend without any hesitation!

I came in with the objective to learn something new or different thinking, methods etc. about the key topics. The Bootcamp certainly did not disappoint as I learned new and proven concepts and methods that have energized me to reflect on my skills, make adjustments, seek more knowledge, and apply what I've learned with a positive mindset. I am particularly excited about applying the 4 principles of life, which were new to me and the most interesting part of the experience. I highly recommend without any hesitation!

I was really inspired

I am an estate planner with my own business and I also offer business advice to family businesses looking to grow, or looking to pass the business from parents to children. I went on the inGeniusly Bootcamp to help me learn a few tricks that would make me more effective, unlocking more of my potential. I actually got much more than this from the Bootcamp! The information shared was really useful in understanding both what I do right and what I do 'wrong' ... so it is easy to see how I can develop to get better results. The Bootcamp was fun and engaging, and I met a lot of good people there with similar ambitions and goals. I was really inspired and am looking forward to my personal growth and to seeing how this will also help with my business growth! Thank you Giulia and the whole team!

One of the best things I could do

The Bootcamp was one of the best things I could do - to look at a new way of doing things better, challenging oneself to be a better person. If everyone did this course, then the world would be in a much better state than it is now.

Outstanding content and wonderful, professional presentations

Outstanding content and wonderful, professional presentations by the team. Covered all related aspects of using your brain to the maximum advantage I deliver similar training to business owners and senior management and this course is equal to anything else that I have seen or used over many years.

Probably the best course I have attended for many a year

I was concerned that, if the course was to be 'fun' it would not be professional - how wrong was I?!?!? It had both in abundance and was probably the best course I have attended for many a year.

Such a personable and enriching experience!

I work long hours and engage in several professional assignments outside my day job. This keeps me busy in high stakes situations 90% of my waking hours. I took the course, having known some of the key instructors for several years, and having seen them blossom into champions of the brain's powers over 10-20 years of delivering this for some truly amazing people I know. It's such a personable and enriching experience that even though you are stretched mentally you leave happier and more energized every evening. In a few words, it has been tremendously helpful!

The exercises expanded my mind

I was very impressed with the way the exercises expanded my mind and encouraged me to think laterally and critically. The problem-solving was also very revealing in terms of the number of solutions available to an open mind

The experience is priceless and it's only just begun

I feel I was handed a compass and the tools to negotiate any goal or dream. I was initially warey but discovered a passion and integrity rarely available in the world we live in. The experience is priceless and it's only just begun.

The skills taught are out of this world

Living in the US, I happened to join virtually and was scared I would get as much value. Well, I was wrong to be scared because they made sure I got as much value as possible. Also, the practical skills that were taught are amazing and out of this world. Really grateful for the time that goes into putting this course together.

Who would have thought that unlocking my Genius could be so much fun

Had a fantastic experience over the weekend, the presenters were so eloquent, engaging and very entertaining, such that it felt like a retreat. This is matched equally by their staff who were very helpful, kind, supportive and understanding. Who would have thought that the path to unlocking my Genius could be so much fun, effective and yet, leave a lasting impact too. Thank you to the team at InGeniusly.

Worth every minute and every penny

Worth every minute and every penny. This course has indeed unlocked my Inner Genius, and not only that, gave me the opportunity to meet amazing people! The inGeniusly team put remarkable effort into delivering the best results possible and managed to make this an incredible experience for everyone. Many thanks to them..!

You leave the course with high energy & motivation

The programme really does go deeply into fun & productive methods to help you expand your focus, memory & critical thinking processes. You leave the course with high energy & motivation to use the useful techniques shown to improve your focus, problem solving skills & critical thinking processes etc.

Get in touch

Our Mentors will be very happy to have a chat with you and answer any questions you may have about your specific goals and needs. Contact us today!