How to re-study a language you had already learned in the past

(Re-)Studying a language: boring, frustrating… Can’t it just be fun?

For some people, being able to speak different languages is a dream; for others, a goal or a need; for students, it is normally a nightmare. This is one of the reasons why many students in the UK give up on learning languages by the time they are 14.

However, many people decide to take on a new language when they are a bit older, be it to convince their boss to give them more opportunities, to be able to read a cooking book in its original language, to impress their soulmate, to feel confident when they go on holiday or to be able to move to the country of their dreams.

The most natural thing when you decide to learn a foreign language is to start from one that you have already started studying. Even like this, though, you are faced with a massive endeavour. You need a dedicated approach, a method and a large amount of willpower and discipline.

If, remembering your school years, you start with the traditional “grammar-and-vocabulary method” you might find yourself quickly getting bored. This method is not very interactive nor practical, and does not offer a lot of opportunities to listen and participate in real conversations. Additionally, you might end up revising concepts, rules (and – of course – the dreaded exceptions) that you had already studied, piling repetitiveness on top of the monotony of the method.

On the other hand, you can opt for a more direct and “anti-grammatical” approach and start by listening to the news, watching movies and reading essays in the language you want to learn. Using this strategy, though, you will most probably find yourself overwhelmed and frustrated by the complexity of the task, and by the amount of knowledge that you are missing in order to understand the material at hand.

When you resume the study of a foreign language, there are some steps you should take in order to avoid boredom on the one hand and frustration on the other. 

The first thing to do is to check your sense of self-efficacy: your belief in your ability to accomplish a specific task, in this case learning a language. 

A low sense of self-efficacy will quickly have you feeling frustrated by the task in front of you, whereas a high sense of self-efficacy will help you see the challenges in front of you as stepping stones towards your goals, instead of a wall in front of them. Take care, though: when you are learning a language that you have previously studied, the risk is that your sense of self-efficacy becomes too high… Check out the video to discover how to find the right balance!

The second essential step is testing your current proficiency level. By knowing this information, you will not need to start from the very beginning: you might remember more than you thought or less than you expected. This way, you will be able to study material that motivates and captivates you, instead of boring you.

PS: here you can find an infographic regarding the numbers of students who learn two or more foreign languages in Europe.

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Everyone learns in a unique way. To reach mastery in any skill we need a mentor who will understand what makes us unique, guide us, and give us feedback along the way to correct those mistakes that we are not yet able to recognise, thus helping us to improve.

At inGeniusly, at the beginning of the journey, every student takes an in-depth assessment that helps us to define their unique Cognitive Profile. Every student is assigned a Mentor who has qualified as such after at least 6 months of intense training and 8 exams. Each Mentor is trained to tailor the techniques and exercises to the specific profile of the student, in order to help them to create their own personalised learning method. The final goal is to make sure that the student masters the art of learning and is independent in applying the techniques to their own goals.


This element is extremely important and often misinterpreted. In order to become an expert, applying the latest theory is not enough: we need to do it based on the principles of deliberate practice. We need to know what all the building blocks of that skill are and practise in a very specific way until we are able to master all of them. This will help us to build our own, sophisticated mental representations, which will lead up to mastery.

At inGeniusly, we have created a whole set of foundational exercises for each step of the Genius PRIME Method. To increase their effectiveness, they are taught in a fun way which enhances implicit learning and leads our students to the level of unconscious competence that is required to master learning.


This element includes all the valuable knowledge and techniques in the field you have chosen. These will probably evolve and be refined over time, so it is important to keep up to date with the latest research in that area.

At inGeniusly, our framework is called the Genius PRIME Method. This includes the latest techniques and knowledge you need in order to master each of the five steps of the learning process, so that learning can become as effective as our brain is wired to find it.


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